Growth Opportunities (GO) “GO” For Your Future Education and Employment to reach your peak potential The Growth Opportunities Program provides paid work experience to young people affected by community violence. Our program will help support skills...
YDI – YOUTHBUILD serves ages 16 to 24 Gain hands-on experience, apply your skills, and help build affordable housing for families in need! Our Services: Education On-the-Job Training Leadership Development Case Management (Our YDI Case Manager is dedicated to...
Fresh Start Rental Assistance Program The program provides move-in assistance and eviction prevention due to current homelessness or at risk of homelessness for persons who have a diagnosed and documented opioid use disorder or who have a substance use disorder where...
ABQ Against Violence ABQ Against Violence program seeks to provide safety, healing, and growth for youth aged 12-26 who are most likely to be victims or perpetrators of gun violence due to their involvement in cycles of gun violence and violent crime. ABQ...
C.H.A.N.C.E.S Collaborative Haven for Achievements,Nurturing, Careers, Employability and Success The CHANCES program is a reentry program assisting adults ages 18 years and older with their release from incarceration. Eligible individuals must have been...
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