Partnering with
Youth Development, Inc. (YDI), founded in 1971, is a nationally recognized youth and family service organization in New Mexico. We can help you with preschool and child care, prenatal care, alternative education, job training employment assistance, mental and behavioral health services, homeless assistance, emergency housing, mentoring, family development services, family counseling services, and supervised visitation.

Growth Opportunities (GO)
Valencia Family Resource Center
Youth Build
Child First
Fresh Start Rental Assistance Program
Infant Mental Health (IMH) Program
Family Outreach
ABQ Against Violence

“YDI was very helpful in giving me the tools I needed to get my high school credential. They also worked with my schedule while I maintained a full time job. Thanks YDI!”
- Jonathon White, Adult High School Equivalency Program

"YDI has been amazing! Getting a good job without my GED was hard. Almost impossible. I was a single mother and didn't know what to do. YDI worked with me to make sure I could work on my GED at my own pace. I did the adult program (Project Adelante) and then switched over to Youth Build. Youth Build has been so great! I am going to get the skills I need to get a good job when I am finished. I couldn't have done it without you!"
- Irasema Madrid

“ The staff at Neutral Corner are caring, compassionate, and understanding. Some of the people who go there are sometimes not happy about having to go there and Ive never seen the staff be rude, mean or pass judgement on anyone. Which I feel takes a hard situation and makes it a bit easier.”