WIOA Youth – Central Region

Through the New Mexico Workforce Connection, YDI operates the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act program (WIOA) in the Central Region of New Mexico; Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia, and Torrance counties. The program helps those aged 16-24 find a job you’ll enjoy!
YDI staff is located in each county in the Business and Career Center operated by the Workforce Connection of Central New Mexico (WCCNM) and the Central Region. YDI is co-located with other WIOA providers including the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, Job Corps, ABE, TANF, and many more.
The WIOA youth program operates year-round providing job placement services to in-school youth and out-of-school youth ages 16-24. In addition to finding a job, we can help with alternative education, drop-out prevention, leadership, guidance and counseling, work experience, supportive services, adult mentoring, occupational skills training and follow-up.

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